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Our certified lawyers have considerable experience in participating in criminal proceedings regarding the lifting of arrests on the property of both suspects, accused persons and third parties. Our lawyers do not necessarily have to participate as a defender, the seizure of the company's property can be removed regardless of the main case.

Appeal against the decision to seize property

In order to seize the property, the investigator, the detective, in agreement with the prosecutor, apply to the investigating judge for the seizure of the property. Consideration of the petition must be carried out with the participation of the property owner. However, it is not uncommon for the property owner to find out about the seizure after the fact. After learning about the seizure of property, in case of disagreement, you should prepare an appeal within ten days from the date of receipt of the text of the court decision. Lawyers of the PURCEN law firm ensure the preparation of the appeal and participation in its consideration by the appeal court.


Objection to the petition for seizure of property

When the pre-trial investigation authorities decide to seize the property, the investigator, the inquirer prepares a motion to seize the property. It should be agreed with the prosecutor and referred to the investigating judge. If you have become aware of the preparation of such a motion, we recommend that you prepare an objection to it and ensure the participation of a defense attorney in its consideration by the court. From us, you can order the preparation of an objection to the motion of the investigator to seize property, as well as the participation of a lawyer in the consideration of the motion to seize property by the investigating judge.


Preparation of a request for the removal of the seizure of property

When property and property have been seized and the appeal of the investigating judge's decision to the appeals court has not yielded results, it makes sense to apply to the court after some time with a request to cancel the property seizure. This can also be done if you missed the appeal deadline . In order to prepare a request to cancel the seizure of the company, our lawyers study the case materials, collect additional information that would provide grounds for the cancellation of the seizure, and prepare a request to the investigating judge to cancel the seizure of the property. The participation of a lawyer in the consideration of a request to cancel the seizure of the company's property is included in the complex of services of our legal company.


Return of property after the end of criminal proceedings

Коли кримінальне провадження, у якому накладався арешт на майно закінчене (винесено постанову про закриття кримінального провадження, винесено обвинувальний або виправдувальний вирок), має бути вирішене питання про долю майна, на яке накладався арешт. Якщо до майна не застосовано конфіскацію, воно має бути повернуте законному володільцю. На практиці рідко органи досудового розслідування або суд приймають рішення про повернення майна одночасно із вирішенням справи по суті, тому слід підготувати обгрунтоване клопотання про повернення майна. 

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